Saturday, February 03, 2007

To Do List for you--from Ruth (who is still having trouble posting)


For You To Do:
Look at pictures of my new baby cousin at this blog. Know that I won the honor of having the first look at photos by guessing correctly the time of birth.
Pat yourself on the back for stopping by despite our apparent disappearance from the face of the earth.
Tell me whether we should change the title of the blog (the URL is set in stone, though).
Offer your opinion on the lonelygirl15 videos. (Having lost the super-slow Sudanese internet connection, I can now explore YouTube at will!)
OK, now that I'm done telling you what to do (Gosh! See if you ever come back!).


Dave (the Bald Guy) said...

You could create a new blog with a new name and thus a new URL using your same blogger accounts. But many of us have grow used to Saturday Morning Khartoum.

We are in favor of whatever works best for you.

As for YouTube, We are using a dial up connection, so we will pass on checking it out.

Ruth I hope you iron out your problems with posting from your account.

Uncle Dave

Nate said...

Hooray! Welcome back Pimentels. That LonelyGirl thing is kind of strange. What is the background of that? I prefer "Young Chuck Norris" which you should check out if you haven't. I think Sam is writing a paper on it.

Saints and Spinners said...

I like the title of the blog. It makes me smile.