Monday, October 02, 2006

Shoo fly, Part II

Now our house is full of houseflies. We're not sure why. Windows open in the middle of the day? The flies are skinny, little anemic things. I've even managed to swat a few with my bare hands. Which is good since we don't have a flyswatter. David is the best at it. He spent this morning, before his flight left, hunting down houseflies. He managed to smash, with his bare hands, nineteen before he had to leave for the airport. Lots of soap and water to get rid of the fly carnage! Isaac was inspired and found a bunch of ants to smash in the corner of the house.


Nate said...

Oh to be an entomologist and live in the Sudan! Ants, flies, and, I'm sure mosquitos. All we seem to have in Oregon is spiders. However, we have spiders for every occassion...

Coleen said...

I can sympathize with you! Why is it that critters are fun when you're young and destestable when we get older? I remember playing with grasshoppers when I was little and even putting one down the neck of my mother's dress. Now I'm petrified of them!